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Establishment of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), UBAS-Lahore

The establishment of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at Lahore University of Biological and Applied Sciences (UBAS-Lahore) is hereby announced with pleasure. The QEC has been constituted with the aim of fostering and enhancing quality in all aspects of education, research, and administration within our esteemed institution in line with HEC guidelines. The composition of the QEC is as follows:


UBAS has placed a strong emphasis on providing high-quality education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. To ensure this, several bodies have been established. At the university level, there is an academic council headed by the vice chancellor. At the faculty level, there is a board of faculty headed by the dean of the respective faculty. At the department level, there are the board of studies and the postgraduate research committee, both headed by the chairman of the department or dean of the faculty. Additionally, a quality enhancement cell (QEC) has been established under the guidance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to monitor the quality of programs at the university.

UBAS recognizes continuous quality improvement (CQI) as a vital tool and a crucial component of implementing outcome-based education (OBE) for ensuring high-quality education. All faculties/departments regularly evaluate the outcomes of its existing practices and generates an action plan for improvement through the CQI process. To implement CQI within the department, a practical and straightforward mechanism known as the PDCA (Plan/planning, Do/implementation, Check/evaluation, Act/Action) cycle is employed. The PDCA cycle is chosen for two reasons: first, it allows for the assessment methods’ reliability to be checked, and second, it enables a comparison with previous assessments, thereby calculating the rate of improvement.


QEC will lead the efforts to promote excellence in teaching, research, and other academic activities and will be responsible for maintaining records, organizing workshops, and training sessions, and facilitating communication among various stakeholders. To ensure student engagement and participation, we have included student representatives from each program in the QEC. They will provide valuable insights and perspectives from the student community. Key responsibilities of the QEC include:

  • Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and implementing the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process.
  • Assessing and reviewing the curriculum, Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), and Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs).
  • Monitoring and evaluating academic programs and courses to ensure their quality and relevance.
  • Maintaining academic records, including course folders.
  • Monitoring students’ attainment of CLOs and PLOs at both the course and summary levels.
  • Reviewing and updating the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) based on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) principles and coordinating program accreditation efforts.
  • Evaluating the quality of semester projects, final year projects, and assigned coursework.
  • Facilitating faculty development and training to enhance teaching and research capabilities.
  • Ensuring absolute compliance on the faculty appointments criteria in line with the HEC guidelines.
  • Promoting research and innovation culture among faculty and students.
  • Ensuring effective assessment and evaluation practices for student learning outcomes.
  • Developing mechanisms for continuous improvement in quality of all academic and administrative processes.
  • Collaborating with external quality assurance bodies.
  • Reviewing quality standards and assessing the quality of teaching and learning in each subject area.
  • Self-Assessment reports of all faculties.
  • MS/PhD Program Reviews
  • National & International Memberships & Rankings.
  • Developing standard operating procedures, which encompass the following:
    • Gathering feedback from stakeholders such as employers, alumni, faculty, students, and graduating students.
    • Conducting surveys to evaluate infrastructure and facilities.

At the end of each semester, the QEC prepares a comprehensive report to assess the level of achievement of CLOs and, consequently, PLOs for individual courses as well as the entire cohort and submit a self-assessment report. Based on the results and feedback received from key stakeholders, the QEC suggests improvements if necessary. The QEC will work closely with the university administration, faculty members, and students to achieve its objectives. It will establish a system of internal quality assurance and conduct periodic evaluations and assessments to measure the effectiveness of quality enhancement initiatives.


To enhance the capacity of the QEC and ensure efficient functioning, a fully furnished and well-equipped separate office was provided. In this office, QEC members regularly engage in discussions and present ideas to achieve the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to Outcome-Based Education (OBE). To facilitate effective work, the QEC has established three dedicated teams: the supervisory team, monitoring team, and advisory team. The organizational structure of these teams and their respective responsibilities are depicted in the figure below.


I encourage all members of the UBAS community to actively engage with the QEC and provide their valuable feedback and suggestions. QEC will create an environment conducive to excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement. Together, we can ensure the continuous enhancement of quality and maintain our position as a leading institution in biological and applied health sciences.

Prof. Dr. Naeem Mubarak,
Pro-Vice Chancellor,
Lahore University of Biological and Applied Sciences.

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