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Scholarship Policy

Scholarship Policy

The following Scholarship policy is approved by the Head Office for Fall 2023 Intake. These Scholarships are
subject to the conditions mentioned in Section (6).

All Faculties Scholarship Continuation CGPA.
Board Position Holder 100% 3.95 or Higher
(Only if awarded at the time of admission)
90% Marks in FA/FSc 75% From 3.90 to 4.00
85% Marks in FA/FSc 50% From 3.75 to 3.89
80% Marks in FA/FSc 25% From 3.50 to 3.74
All Faculties Scholarship Continuation CGPA.
85% Marks in FA/FSc 100% 3.95 or Higher
(Only if awarded at the time of admission)
80% Marks in FA/FSc 75% From 3.90 to 4.00
75% Marks in FA/FSc 50% From 3.75 to 3.89
70% Marks in FA/FSc 25% From 3.50 to 3.74
2nd Semester and onwards 12.5% From 3.00 to 3. 49

Note: Any student acquiring the continuation CGPA shall be eligible for the corresponding scholarship even if
not awarded at the time of admission except 100% Merit Scholarship.

At the time of admission, students awaiting results will be eligible for Merit Scholarships, which will be awarded based on the results of Intermediate (Part 1)

PGC All Undergraduate Degrees Continuation
Continuation CGPA.
(25% at time of admission) 25% 2.50 or Higher
12.5% From 2.00 to 2.49

Note: STEP by PGC and LMDC students are also eligible for this scholarship.

Category All Faculties Scholarship Continuation CGPA.
Need Base Case evaluation by the Committee 25-50% 2.50 or Higher
Specially-abled Official Disability Certificate and
Committee Assessment
25-50% 2.50 or Higher
Kinship To each kin enrolled 25% 2.00 or Higher
Sports etc Based on Co and Extracurricular
25%-50% 2.00 or Higher
Contingency On sad demise of Father or Guardian
during studies
50% 2.00 or Higher
4. MS/MPhil Programmes SCHOLARSHIPS
Category All Faculties Scholarship Continuation CGPA.
Merit 3.75/4.00 CGPA 60% 3.90 or Higher
3.50/4.00 CGPA 50% From 3.75 to 3.89
3.00/4.00 CGPA 40% From 3.50 or 3.74
Alumni 2.50/4.00 CGPA 25% 3.00 or Higher
Specially-abled Official Disability Certificate and
Committee Assessment
25-50% 3.00 or Higher
Kinship To each kin enrolled 25% 3.00 or Higher
3, 4, 5 Years of Satisfactory Service 50, 70, 100% 3.00 or Higher

Note: Any Graduate student achieving the continuation CGPA shall be eligible for the corresponding
scholarship even if not awarded at the time of admission.


The following conditions shall be applicable:

  1. For undergraduate Scholarships, the required CGPA must be earned with a minimum load of 12 Cr.Hrs.
  2. For Graduate Scholarship, the required CGPA should be attained with a minimum load of 6 Cr.Hrs.
  3. Scholarships are awarded in the form of tuition fee waiver; they are not applicable on admission fee or any other charges of the University unless specifically stated.
  4. No Scholarship is applicable on Thesis/Project and summer registration.
  5. The Scholarship will be awarded only within normal degree duration and is not applicable on extra semester(s) for whatsoever reasons.
  6. A specially-abled student if not meeting the CGPA eligibility criterion, shall be awarded 25% reduced scholarship if the CGPA is below the required CGPA but higher than the CGPA required for the award of degree.
  7. In Merit Scholarship, the students shall be awarded percentage which corresponds to their CGPA as defined in Clause (1).
  8. Merit Scholarship for new admissions are awarded based on available result, if the applicant is result awaiting.
  9. Applicants admitted in 5th semester after 14-year /ADP qualification shall be considered for scholarships by comparing their CGPA with the continuation CGPA of the corresponding category.
  10. The University, vide its discretionary power, has the authority to change the definition or percentage of any Scholarship, with the approval of the Academic Council, and it shall be binding on all awardees.
  11. No Scholarship is applicable on a repeat course or a course registered for improvement.
  12. Student convicted by the Discipline Committee will be ineligible for any Scholarship/Award
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Lahore University of Biological & Applied Sciences