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Clinical Psychology: Innovation and Trends

BS Clinical Psychology Lahore-UBAS Fall admissions 2024

Clinical psychology is one of the most sought-after disciplines in recent years. Before the emergence of the internet, the Pakistani population was less aware of the chronicles of clinical psychology. However, it is high time to look at the latest innovations and trends to push the standard of living and social well-being many steps ahead! Lahore-UBAS is going to share the latest trends and innovations in clinical psychology around the world in this article. By taking admission in Fall 2024, you can pursue your dream to become a practicing clinical psychologist.  

Clinical Psychology- An Introduction 

Clinical Psychology is a comprehensive study of human behaviour. A human behaviour is a complex set of messages, perceptions, and reactions. Under certain circumstances, people experience psychological burdens and curable upsets around 95 times. A clinical psychologist can help people handle upsetting situations neatly.  

Clinical Psychology is the actual presentation of an idea of a psychologist- as many people think of it.  

BS Clinical Psychology  

A road map to becoming a professional psychologist starts with a BS clinical psychology. Lahore-UBAS is the renowned university for biological and applied sciences in Lahore. Students can invest their four years to gain knowledge with hands-on opportunities to learn things practically through practice in the on-campus hospital.  

For course content and on-campus experience at Lahore-UBAS, you can visit our website.  

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Latest Trends & Innovations in Clinical Psychology 

Clinical Psychology Trends & Innovations

Increase in Social Acceptance Globally 

In recent years, we have witnessed massive growth and acceptance of mental health concepts and the emotional psyche. This trend is followed globally. Especially after COVID-19, there was a drastic shift in the people seeking mental support and services.  

Hence, the American Psychological Association survey showed an increase in clients and sessions, and more psychologists received references.   

Telepathy & Remote Counselling  

After the pandemic episode, the world has seen a rise in online and remote counseling sessions. Telepathy and home sessions have also increased in recent years.  

Because of clinical psychology sessions, we have seen a rise in the use of online tools in Pakistan. Zoom, WhatsApp Call on the domestic ground, and Batter Help, Talk Space, have become popular internationally.  

Moreover, we can also see social media groups where people are taking professional advice and online sessions from practicing clinical psychologists.  

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are everywhere. So how is it possible that clinical psychology won’t be infected by them? Like many other industries, there is a practice of implying the powers of AI and machine learning to analyze and see the trends of mental health among people of different regions.  

As a result, the world has experienced an explosion of predictive models developed through AI and ML for mental health crises, disease possibilities, and strategies with a roadmap for personalised treatment plans for individuals.  Due to this, early diagnosis and customised treatment would be possible, saving a lot of time, effort, and health resources

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) for Therapy 

Psychologists have also adapted virtual reality and augmented reality for therapy sessions. These technologies are employed to develop interactive and immersive environments for the patients to perform detailed and relaxed therapies. 

Such practices are very helpful in treating anxiety disorders, PTSD, and Phobias.  

Careers after Clinical Psychology  

After completing BS Clinical Psychology, one can start a number of things as per their interests. Reason – Clinical Psychology is all about human behaviour and humans are everywhere. Therefore, whether you join any organisation, or start your own help centre, you can help organisations on large and small scales.  

The skills you will learn in this four-year degree program will help you miles apart from this degree. Your career and life will become easy with these skills. The skill set would be nothing less than what you will learn about  

  • Critical thinking 
  • Research skills 
  • Well-developed communication skills 
  • A profound empathy and interpersonal skills 
  • Problem-solving  
  • Ethical awareness 

Further Education  

After completing this four-year bachelor’s degree, you can initiate your professional journey. Also, you will be able to continue your education. The options of specialised degrees in psychology, MS, and PhD would be open to joining and excelling in your field.  

Specialisation education, licenses and further formal education would be a more adaptive option for international practice sessions. However, you can opt for this option only if you get the prescribed licenses and diplomas relevant to the country you are interested in.  

Apply at Lahore-UBAS for FALL Admissions 2024 

Lahore UBAS has opened its Fall Admissions 2024. You can pursue your career in clinical psychology with broad and comprehensive learning through knowledge and hands-on experience with skills in a BS program.  Apply today on our website portal.  

You will get  

  1. Hands-on Learning Experience 
  2. Professional Faculty 
  3. Attention in Class Lectures 
  4. Rich on-campus Life 
  5. Grooming Opportunities 
  6. Accredited Degree  
  7. Industrial Linkage for Better Employment   


Don’t miss a chance to get admission to BS Clinical Psychology. Pursue your dream career to become a psychologist and get variety of directions and the freedom to choose your career and organisation.  


Lahore University of Biological & Applied Sciences